In our Watertown office we are plugging along without Jim at the helm – he likes to say when he leaves town we are more productive anyway. His family is fulfilling their long time dream to visit Turkey, and we’re excited they are there enjoying all of the wonders they’ve been dreaming of. (My kids still say this was their favorite adventure)
Think it’s too foreign? Think again: Turkey is an amazing example of a secular country, where all religions and all people are respected and represented. You will be so welcomed in Turkey.
Jim writes:
“Our family journey to Turkey is over the April vacation of the Milton MA public school and happened to coincide with Holy Week leading up to Easter in the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. We looked forward to bringing our boys to see the richness of Turkey as the crossroads of the East and West. We prepared them by having many a long talk about the history of the region and it is rich tradition in the Muslin and Christian worlds.
The mosaics and frescos that were so carefully restored at the Haghia Sophia and at the Church of the Chora can’t be described unless seen by ones own eyes. We can’t express enough gratitude that these wonderful works of art were covered up so carefully and not destroyed when Constantinople fell to the Turks.
Listening to our Muslim Guide Huseyin explain the significance of these mosaics and frescos without any animosity towards the topic can’t help but make me think that there is great hope between our cultures as long as we take the time to listen and understand one another. If we learn from the past on both sides of the table maybe we can come closer together. It is clear to me that Turkey does a great job at this… I expect that this discovery is the same for my family and will be for many others who travel to this magical country.”
Come to Turkey! It is one of the most amazing places you might discover with your children. Some space still available for summer 2011.