The Beauty and Struggle of a Family Vacation to Cuba

For the last year people have started to flock to Cuba to see the island nation before tourism fully takes off. But don’t be fooled, tourism has already taken off. We’ve been offering family vacations to Cuba for the past year and we’ve seen first-hand the incredible and beautiful experience that it can be. But we’ve also seen the hurdles that come with visiting a country behind in infrastructure and overwhelmed with visitors. The growth of travel to Cuba has come about almost too quickly and while the country has been doing a great job in providing people with ways to visit, it won’t be your typical family vacation and you should be in the right mindset and prepared for this once in a lifetime experience. Traveling with your family to, and through, Cuba will never be as it is today.


The Beauty

Cuba is inherently unique, yet also somewhat familiar.  The language is different, the culture is completely different, and the government is nothing like ours, yet a favorite past time in Cuba is baseball. They love to dance, enjoy a meal with family, and have an appreciation for art. It’s the difference in the similarities that can make a family vacation to Cuba so rewarding for you, and especially your kids. When your kids meet Cuban kids on a baseball field or at a dance school, it becomes clear to them that they can make friends no matter where they are and that’s a feeling and education that you can’t put a price on. There are several great cultural exchanges to have in Cuba and these exchanges will be the highlight of your vacation. Mix in a bit of culture with incredible ocean views, nature hikes, zip-lining, chances for wildlife viewing, and a ride in a classic Cadillac and you have yourself the perfect family vacation!


The Growing Pains

The average Cuban doesn’t have much in the terms of luxury and material goods. The average income is around $20 a month. That said, it’s important to understand that Cuba is still very much developing. As its infrastructure comes along, so does the ease of traveling. The hotels are busy and space is very limited. The hotels won’t be up to the “American Standard” and rooms will be basic, air conditioning may not be available, and Wi-Fi is nearly non-existent. But that’s ok. You go to Cuba for the people to people connection and to experience a country that is rapidly changing in real time. You’ll see everything that you want to see and have an amazing time doing so, but it may not happen in the order that the itinerary says. Isn’t this part of the adventure? Expect the unexpected. Going to Cuba is still a rare occurrence, so when you do visit go with an open mind and you will be truly amazed and touched at what you see and experience!

There’s no time like now to take your family to this top destination for a family vacation!
