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Mouse Stories
This event happened awhile back, but frankly I needed some distance before being able to talk about it. (And we wanted to be sure we had Kirsten signed on before she heard about it!). It’s true, we had a mouse problem at the office. Now I love little critters and fully support all animals’ rights…
A story from the Great Wall
Back in August 2005 my daughter Mira and I had quite an adventure in China. Mira was 15, and had always wanted to go to China; her fascination with finally being there made her game for anything. And we did everything, in a constant state of WOW. There is so much to absorb in China…
What the kids think
One of the things I like best about family travel is seeing the world through my children’s eyes rather than my over exposed ones. So whose better review than the kids’?? These sisters from Conway MA both had a blast last winter in Baja. These reviews are strictly unedited and in their entirety — Really,…
How to Travel with Kids
Family travel is an amazing gift for everyone in your clan. Head out into the world ready to see it through your children’s eyes, and you will learn even more than they do. If you are a grand parent, parent, or family friend traveling internationally with a minor child there are many things to be…
Two Left Shoes
If you caught this one in our August 2008 newsletter, forgive me for repeating it – it just happens to be my favorite travel story. Flexibility is key to any good adventure and I can hardly think of a better example than this: our friend Sam, at the tender – but never awkward – age…