family travel Blog Posts

July 19, 2024

20 Reasons to Travel in December

Finding the right time of year to travel with kids can be tricky. There are summer camps, school schedules, and work schedules to navigate. There is one time of year where all of this becomes easier, December. It is one of our favorite times of the year to take a family vacation. In honor of…

December 21, 2023

5 Very Last Minute Gift Ideas

There is one thing that is always a guarantee during the holiday season— last minute shopping! The holidays always seem to sneak up on us between busy school schedules, winter band and chorus concerts, and holiday parties. In case you’re still looking for a last minute gift or owe someone a gift, take a look…

October 27, 2022

Halloween Traditions from Around the World

Many of the places that we go on family vacations have different Halloween traditions or have an interesting lore surrounding the holiday. With that time of year upon us, we thought it would be fun to share with you a few facts about Halloween in the places you may go for your next family vacation!…

August 3, 2022

Eco-Friendly Family Vacation Tips

There are a lot of components to think about when planning to take a family vacation. One thing that should be at the top of the list is eco-friendly travel. Being mindful of the environment, local towns, people, and leaving as small of an impact as possible is part of our mission as a family…

an airplane filled with people who followed our packing tips June 17, 2022

5 Airport Security Tips

One of the most stressful and annoying parts of traveling is going through security. Is it necessary? Yes. Are we happy that it’s part of the drill? Yes. But that doesn’t mean we have to enjoy it. There is nothing worse than hitting traffic and running through the airport with your multi-generational family to make…
