family travel Blog Posts

April 7, 2024

Art in Adventure

Does the fresh smell of spring and the renewed warmth of the sun ever make you think of poetry? Did you know Billy Collins (two time Poet Laureate) is Smithsonian’s poetry consultant? In a recent posting in the Arts and Culture section of their online magazine, Billy Collins wrote a wonderful poem (below) describing a…

February 26, 2024

Top Five Destinations for your Graduate. And You.

Many popular destinations are just plain fun for a young child, but can be revisited – or seen for the first time – with very different eyes once your child is out of high school. Here are our picks for the most sophisticated and exciting places to visit, or visit again, with your graduate.

November 7, 2023

Egypt! A Miracle Offer for December Travelers.

f you are bold and adventurous, if you really want to get off the beaten path and do something no one else is doing… if you don’t yet have plans for your December holiday…How about something extraordinary? How about visiting Egypt at a super serious discount? How about Below Cost?

June 27, 2023

Listen to Me!

I’ve worked in travel for over 16 years, and I’ve been to Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. So you might think I have this travel thing down, right? Heh.

June 24, 2023

A Rite of Passage with Aunt Nancy

Nancy has taken 5 nieces and nephews on a 14th birthday family adventure over the last 10 years. Number 6 is coming up!
