Galapagos Blog Posts

August 23, 2022

Fearless Tortoises and Endless Craters

Santa Cruz is only one of the 14 islands in the Galapagos archipelago, but this island alone harbors an incredible diversity of landscapes and ecosystems. A drive up into the highlands of Santa Cruz to see the giant tortoises that make their home here was my first activity, and it absolutely set the tone for…

August 29, 2022

Unreal Wildlife & Volcanic Terrain

My second day in the Galapagos began with a romantic Latin pop song, very gradually increasing in volume as it came over the ship’s speakers.  Just as I slipped peacefully out of my sleep and acknowledged that the music wasn’t simply a soundtrack to my dream, the ship coordinator softly informed the passengers that this…

August 30, 2022

Another Miraculous Day in the Galapagos

Following a 6:45 wakeup call and a 7:00 breakfast, my third day in the Galapagos started with a 10-minute panga ride to Cerro Dragón, Santa Cruz Island’s “Dragon Hill.” After a dry landing, we set out on a two-hour walk through dry, rocky trails bordered by cacti and trees oozing a delightfully fragrant sap that…

December 5, 2022

Family Reunions – Five Ways to Make it Work

The holidays have always been a time for families to come together, and more than ever families are meeting up in a new location, to share new experiences as well as each others’ company.  Whether it’s holiday time, a hard earned graduation, a milestone anniversary or birthday or just an excuse to get away, a family…

December 3, 2024

Fabulous Photos! #3 – 2 – 1

Winners of our 2011 – 2012 Photo Contest! That’s Number 3 above, by the Basile Family Next is # 2 below, the crab by the Hacohen Family And finally, our #1 winner, by an overwhelming margin I might say, is this beauty from the Weissman Family Safari:
