Galapagos Blog Posts

February 26, 2024

Top Five Destinations for your Graduate. And You.

Many popular destinations are just plain fun for a young child, but can be revisited – or seen for the first time – with very different eyes once your child is out of high school. Here are our picks for the most sophisticated and exciting places to visit, or visit again, with your graduate.

January 9, 2024

Top Five Reasons to go to the Galapagos (aka ECUADOR!)

Yes, the Galapagos is a really cool place to go. Do you want to spend your whole vacation in the islands? No. Why? Because mainland Ecuador has so much to offer –

November 28, 2023

Meet an Ethologist Turned Photographer

  Stewart Halperin is the renowned photographer co-leading our Galapagos: Vision and Evolution adventure June 15, 2012. Since you might not know what an ethologist is, or why one would become a photographer, we thought a casual Q&A would be fun. Stewart, where are you from? I was born in New Jersey but moved to…

December 1, 2022

If you waited for a Bargain, This is a Dream Come True

Now we have room for the Galapagos December 25 – January 2, 2010. – so exciting!

October 24, 2022

Want a Unique Family Galapagos Exploration?

Usually a trip to the Galapagos involves a stay on a boat with daily excursions to shore to hike, swim, snorkel and discover the amazing wildlife that lives there. We have that option, of course … but if you are REALLY adventurous and like to be on the cutting edge – if you understand relinquishing some luxuries gains you unique opportunities, then we have something special for you
