Grace Blog Posts

July 31, 2023

Peru’s Delicious Huancaína Sauce

Peruvian cuisine is quickly gaining worldwide esteem for its bold flavors and the increasing diversity of international influences. Despite recent culinary innovation, the traditional staples are still a huge part of daily life in Peru; authentic dishes combining native ingredients with both indigenous and colonial cooking methods remain common fare. The country’s Andean highlands benefit from an unbelievable variety of…

July 18, 2023


On what I deemed Machu Picchu Monday, I had the opportunity to walk with our guide, Fabrizzio, on our way back from the Gate of the Sun, Inti Punku. We weren’t discussing the Incan Empire, the design of the terraces or the fact that you can tell the level of a importance of a place…

July 23, 2022

Grace’s Family Adventure Tradition!

Grace, our newest salesperson, just returned from a trip to Texas revolving around a great family tradition. She went down to her birthplace of Georgetown, Texas, to stay at her grandmother’s house and get back to her down-home roots. From there, Grace, her grandmother, her sister, and 3 of her cousins (15, 16, and 18…
