grandparent travel Blog Posts

Why Grandparents Make the Best Travel Companions
There is something to be said about grandparents. Without them, family reunions and family dinners wouldn’t be possible; they were the beginning of it all! One thing at Thomson Family Adventures that we’ve all come to learn and love is exactly how great travelling with grandparents can be. Mulitgenerational vacations have become somewhat of a…
On a Scale of 1 to 5, our Guides are Often a TEN
Our friend Linda from Ohio just returned from a big family trip to China, her first with us. We try to call everyone when they get home, but we didn’t have a chance – her email came in almost immediately: “You were right. It was a great trip for a family. We LOVED it. Tom and…
17 to Infinity: It’s a New World of Travel
Family celebrations don’t stop just because the kids get older. Think of all the reasons: High school graduation. College graduation. Admission to college. College graduation. Admission to graduate school! Graduating from grad school. A job offer! Before they go to work for 80 hours a week. Celebrating a job well done….. Or it’s Mom and…
What our Guests are Saying….
We offer all of our potential guests a list of references, people who have traveled with us and are willing to share their experiences. Today we heard from a favorite guest who had recently responded to such a request about our Galapagos MultiSport Adventure. She decided to share it with us as a thank you…

What a Ten Year Old Remembers Forever
I wanted to write and tell you what I liked most about my trip to Africa with my grandmother and Thomson Family Adventures.