Grandparents Blog Posts

June 5, 2023

Spotlight on a Stellar TFA Family

Since Thomson Family Adventures first came into existence over 15 years ago, it’s been clear that our adventures attract a special breed of family travelers. Thomson travelers are the type of families open to new and exciting experiences; they love to learn from the great, big world around them, and they’re committed to the people,…

July 23, 2022

On a Scale of 1 to 5, our Guides are Often a TEN

Our friend Linda from Ohio just returned from a big family trip to China, her first with us. We try to call everyone when they get home, but we didn’t have a chance – her email came in almost immediately: “You were right.  It was a great trip for a family.  We LOVED it. Tom and…

October 15, 2024

17 to Infinity: It’s a New World of Travel

Family celebrations don’t stop just because the kids get older. Think of all the reasons: High school graduation. College graduation. Admission to college. College graduation. Admission to graduate school! Graduating from grad school. A job offer! Before they go to work for 80 hours a week. Celebrating a job well done….. Or it’s Mom and…

September 17, 2024

What our Guests are Saying….

We offer all of our potential guests a list of references, people who have traveled with us and are willing to share their experiences. Today we heard from a favorite guest who had recently responded to such a request about our Galapagos MultiSport Adventure. She decided to share it with us as a thank you…

June 23, 2023

Graduations: Love them and Weep.

When my #2 child Mira was in kindergarten, she painted this little clay pot which held one spindly piece of cactus. And so now, as my #3, and last, child graduates from high school and I contemplate a long over due repotting – I find an analogy!
