Moo Blog Posts

June 23, 2023

Graduations: Love them and Weep.

When my #2 child Mira was in kindergarten, she painted this little clay pot which held one spindly piece of cactus. And so now, as my #3, and last, child graduates from high school and I contemplate a long over due repotting – I find an analogy!

March 18, 2023

What happens at a Farewell Dinner?

Luckily on our Baja Family Adventure we had Emily along. Energetic and creative, she was happy to take on the art supplies and give life to the specail awards we had been discussing throughout the week. You know, who excelled at what. It did seem that each of us had a special skill or contribution to the trip. Emily really knew how to put it into writing.

March 18, 2023

Back at the Ranch…

So after the kayaking and soccer, then a sleepy drive back to Todos Santos we slipped back in to our lovely casitas and enjoyed the pool and sunset on our last night

March 18, 2023

Killer Kayaking @ Beautiful Balandra Bay

Balandra Bay is a thing of beauty. Clear blue water, and shallow enough to walk forever (thankfully our guides told us how to shuffle our feet so we would not be stung by sting rays; others were not so lucky) Kayaking here is easy on the smooth water, and the kayaks are steady

February 8, 2023

Noodles, Pandas, and the Love of my Daughter

As soon as my daughter Mira could speak, or maybe even before, she began her obsession with all things Chinese. So when, at age 15, she and I had the chance to visit China we never gave it a second thought. Little did I know then what an impact this family adventure would have on the rest of our lives.
