Serengeti Blog Posts

January 23, 2022

Around the Serengeti in 80 Minutes

It’s 4:30 a.m. when I hear a voice at the flap of my tent. “Jambo Edward!” It’s my guide sing-songing the traditional Swahili greeting. He’s wrapped tightly in a fleece sweater to ward off the cold, while clutching a kerosene lantern in his gloved hand to stave off the darkness. Today, we have planned the…

August 24, 2024

What Travelers Say to Those who Listen….

Word of mouth is the original Social Media, and we love it; it remains our finest source of new travelers. We’ve been talked about on planes, on cruises, at camp. I’ve heard about referrals shared at high school reunions and around the water cooler at work, at a knitting class and a book club meeting….
