Blog Posts

December 22, 2016

Holiday Traditions Around the World

Delicious food, cheery music, and colorful light displays. These are signs of the holiday season. We all have exciting traditions that we share and create with our families. But it is equally exciting, in season of sharing and giving, to teach our children the importance of traditions around the world. The best part about these…

December 9, 2016

Why Families With Millennials Love Costa Rica

The travel bug is incurable. So if your childhood was filled with adventure, like mine, you’re not going to stop when you’ve grown up. Sure, the dynamic of your adventures change, but millennial family travel is an opportunity to share experiences that will help both generations see each other in a new light. Families with…

November 23, 2016

4 Things to Bring when Hiking with Kids (Which I Forgot)

Something that all of us at Thomson Family Adventures enjoys is hiking. We hike on family vacations and in our spare time. Whether we are exploring the mountains of Chiang Mai or looking for waterfalls in Costa Rica, we love to be out and hiking through the wilderness. I like to hike whenever I have the chance. On…

November 10, 2016

Small Regrets I’ll Never Really Be Sorry For

Our family travel expert Moo has been all over the world with her kids and she has some thoughts on things she thought she would be small regrets, but in the long run, are some of her favorite memories. Thinking about a family vacation can seem so stressful in 2016. It’s about making decisions on…

November 3, 2016

The Recipe for a Family Vacation with Millennials

The Millennial. It’s a word and term that we’ve all heard a lot lately. It’s tossed around in the news and on different websites as this elusive and sometimes impossible to please demographic of young people who are in the middle of embarking into life as adults. Technically, a Millennial can be defined as anyone…
