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Make a Lifelong Friend on a Family Vacation

One of the best parts of family travel is the connections that our guests routinely make. Making friends with other like-minded families that are as excited about travel and experiencing new cultures as your family is one of the biggest advantages to joining a group adventure.  Often, these friendships go well beyond the confines of…

Misconceptions About Colombia

One of our favorite new destinations for a family vacation is to Colombia! But over the past few decades, there have been a lot of misconceptions that have developed around Colombia, its culture, and its people. Colombia recently ranked as the second happiest country in the world according to the World Happiness Index. Colombia is…

someone taking a great family vacation photo

5 Tips for Taking the Perfect Family Vacation Photos

The one thing that every family strives for while on vacation is getting the perfect picture! It’s easy to line everyone up in front of a landmark or on the beach to look at the camera and smile. Although this can make for a nice photo, it’s not perfect. Use these simple tips to take…

a group enjoy a safe family vacation to panama

Safety: Our Number 1 Priority

“Is it safe to go there?” That’s one of the most common questions we get from parents searching for that perfect family vacation, and rightfully so. This is a question we take very seriously. Many of the countries that we help families explore each have their own unique problems. No country is immune from this,…

luggage that follows our family vacation packing tips

5 Essential Family Vacation Packing Tips

You’ve got your flights booked, your hotels and activities sorted out, and your adventure is only a week away. The only thing left to do is pack. Follow these family vacation packing tips and you’ll never have to stress about packing again! 1. Make a List Write down everything that you’ll need to bring, from…
