Know Before You Go

Be prepared for your adventure. Read through our China guide for specific tips on packing, weather, currency, travel documents and so much more.

We also have a complete Prep Guide so you know exactly how to prepare at various times in the travel process.

Suggested Reading List

Interested in learning more about China? Check out some of our favorite books about China perfect for kids and adults!

Friends Across Borders (Pen Pals*)

As part of our Friends Across Borders, your children will have the opportunity to write to a pen pal in China. We’ll pair your child up with a similar aged child and then schedule a memorable meeting for the the two to spend time together.

* Contact your trip manager to see if pen pals are offered on your departure.

Visa Information

Visas are required for entry to China.  You are responsible for obtaining your visa prior to departure. The application is required to be completed electronically. Optimal time for applying is between 90 – 60 days prior to your departure date. China will not issue a visa more than 90 days in advance. A “Letter of Invitation” is required with your application. Once you submit the Information Form your trip manager will create the Letter of Invitation which will be sent to you once it has been stamped by our colleagues in China.

For your convenience, you can use the following link once you are ready to request a visa:

Passport Information

Passports should be valid with at least 6 months validity after the end of your trip. If you need to have it renewed please allow sufficient time. U.S. citizens may refer to or the applicable foreign consulate for further details if you need more information.

Need Help Purchasing Flights?

We work with a third party ticketing agency called Exito. Contact your trip manager to get started.

Don’t Forget to Purchase Travel Insurance

Incredible wildlife, amazing food, gripping sights – the wilds of any adventure can be filled with surprises! But not every surprise is a welcome one, and some can creep up before you ever set foot on the plane. That’s why we ask our guests to consider travel insurance.

Select An Item for Your Trip

Before you depart let your trip manager know which item your family would like. Please select one item per person. Click here for details on each item.

Recommended for China: Hat
